Saturday, October 16, 2010

Japanese Steak House

On Thursday night we went to the Japanese Steak House in good old FW (think Beni-Hana, where the chefs prepare the food at your table). It was, of course, a big hit with the kids! Claire, who is traditionally horrible at restaurants, was at least partially mesmerized by the show and by all the clapping being done for all the people in the restaurant who were having Birthdays- which happened to be quite a few.

Grandma was finally able to get Claire to eat something- Ben and I failed miserably in our attempts.

Audra enjoyed using her chopsticks, and did a pretty good job of it, too!

-Now we are back and adjusting to normal life. It's always hard for me to come back here after visiting my family and friends. I'm usually pretty grumpy for first couple of days and poor Ben has to put up with me. It was such a fantastic trip- I think I could have stayed at least another month. I loved seeing the girls playing with their cousins and having great fun with Grandma and Grandpa High and visiting with friends. It's always a treat to go home- thanks for putting us up and having such fun with us mom and dad! We love you!!!
Here's a funny story to end with. On our ride home from this restaurant, Aud and I had this conversation:
A: I have to go potty!
Me: You are going to have to hold it, honey.
A: Hold it in my panties?


  1. I always feel the same way when I come back from visiting my family. That's the only time I really feel homesick and it stinks. I'm glad you guys had such a good visit.

  2. Thanks a lot. Now I'm totally craving "cook on the table" Japanese. And you know that ain't cheap! aaaaagh!

  3. I remember the first time we went there Katie was about 15 months old and they told us to cover her eyes since she might get scared. Knowing our daughter we let her watch and she LOVED it. Funny how fire can do that to kids.

  4. We just went to one with some friends of ours and Mason loved it too! After they cook your meal they flip shrimp to everyone and you have to catch it in your mouth, Mason thought that was the funnest part!
