I have the BEST friends! Seriously, I feel so blessed to have such amazing friends. Years ago I was admonished by a church leader to always be sure to make good friends throughout my life. I thought it was strange, because I have always had such awesome freinds. As I have gotten older, my friends are just better and better! Now I have friends from when I was as young as 2nd grade, and new friends who I know I will cherish forever. How lucky is that?
The past couple of weeks I have been able to spend some time with some of the friends I have known and loved the longest- and gotten to know their kids as well. How crazy is that?!? One minute we are in Ms. McNeily's (is that even her name?) English class reading Shakespeare, and the next we are MOTHERS! Wow. Life is good.
This first picture is of me and my girls, plus Danielle (who I've known since 7th grade) and her boys, and Heather (also have known her since 7th grade) and her little baby girl. We were roommates our freshman year of college as well. Oh, the memories!

Here we are at a cupcake shop- Danielle took me there for my Birthday. I got the chocolate mint cupcake and it was UMM UMM GOOD!

-Here we are at the zoo with Danielle and her boys, and a friend from college, Susie, and her son James. I haven't seen Susie since before I was married and we went and saw the greatest movie: Napoleon Dynamite in theatres.

Here is what Nathan and Audra looked like the last time we took them to the zoo together:
Here they are now:
I LOVE this picture of Austin and Claire!

It was pretty cute at one point as James and Audra started holding hands. Gotta love little kids!

The elephant at the zoo was dancing- or so it seemed- so Audra and James got down and danced with them.
I am so glad that we are able to stay in touch after all these years. I truly count that as one of the greatest blessings of my life- so thank you, once again, for all of the great times my dear friends!