Saturday, October 30, 2010

Restoring Sanity

Ben and I actually considered flying to DC for the Restoring Sanity/Keeping Fear Alive rallies by Stephen Colbert and John Stewart, but then realized it would cost a lot of money and would probably not be much fun with kids in tow. So, we forgot all about it.
Until this morning where I saw they were doing a satellite rally in downtown Denver! Being the spontaneous fun people that we are (oozing with sarcasm right now), we packed up the kids and headed downtown!
I will save the politics (even though this really wasn't political at all) for the Moms site, and just talk about how much fun it was to be downtown.
It was very much a spontaneous decision to go, which is a little unusual for us but I think Ben is inspired by Modern Family (if you happened to watch it this week you will know what I am talking about).
We took the lightrail and were surprised to see a couple of thousand people there. They had a big TV screen and were broadcasting the rally live. It was GORGEOUS weather (weather has been crazy here- super warm, no moisture- we might have a big drought next summer) and everybody was in a fun, happy mood. It was fun and light-hearted.
The girls did pretty good, though Claire fell asleep in her stroller on the way home, which means she now has enough energy to ruin my laundry piles, pull out all of the pots and pans, and drive me crazy as I attempt to post on the blog. Sigh.
Here are some pictures of our fun, spontaneous adventure!

1 comment:

  1. Love this! We should have gone too. Oh well - mobilizing our troops is like aligning the stars and planets. Glad you had fun though!
