Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Reason I Came Early

I flew out a week earlier than Ben, and the reason is simple:I wanted to spend as much time as possible with my family. I never really knew my cousins growing up, and I regret that, so even though Audra won't remember this, I want her to know her cousins. At least she can have pictures of her with her cousins when she is older to help her remember. Here are some of the fun pictures thus far, with more surely to come:

This is with cousin Isaac.He told me that he thinks he is replacing Ben as her favorite person- he might be right, she absolutely LOVES him- all he has to do is look at her and she laughs and laughs and laughs- very cute!

Katie and Audra enjoyed playing in the water...well, they kind-of enjoyed it! The water was really cold, but the splasing was a blast!

Then there is a picture of everybody walking to the park- notice Isaac is pushing Audra, he absolutely insisted on pushing her!

More pictures will follow!


  1. It has been fun having you here. Isaac really is great with his cousins. I remember last year when Katie was Audra's age and he insisted on pushing her in the stroller also. It is so cute seeing them all play together.

  2. I think the cousin thing is important too. I didn't have any cousins close to my age (my sisters were the next to be born in my family)and I think Nathan is lucky to have a cousin just 10 weeks older than he is. It's fun getting them together and I wish we could do it more.
