Of course, there were some complications. We were quite worried that it would be terrible weather and people wouldn't be able to come. Obviously, by the pictures, you can tell that the weather was perfect- we could not have planned it better! We flew into Salt Lake on Thursday, and had to get our marriage license on Friday, and then the wedding was on Saturday. That did add a little stress, but everything turned out fine- it was just the worrying about it! If I had to do it over again, though, I wouldn't change a thing!
Anyway, here are some memories of the day:
We decided to get married in the afternoon. I know some people like morning weddings, but I wanted to be able to relax, sleep in a little bit, and not be stressed. And that is totally how it was- I was totally relaxed and stress-free all day. It was awesome!
What I remember most from the sealing (we call it "sealings" in our church instead of ceremonies because we believe we are literally sealed to each other and to our families not just in this life, but forever) is just being so incredibly happy. I had the biggest smile on my face the whole time and I just couldn't stop smiling- I felt like the luckiest person in the world to be committing my life and all eternity to this amazing man- who wouldn't be happy about that? I don't know what Ben remembers most-probably the sealer saying he could give me our first "legal" kiss...
One of our running jokes is that Ben was late to our wedding (he went out for a big breakfast with his family). My memory tells me that he was about 5 minutes late from when we were supposed to meet with the people officiating the wedding. His false memory tells him that he was right on time, and I was just early. I am pretty sure I am right...
My veil would not stay in my hair- it kept falling out, and was rather annoying. My sister Stephanie was put in charge of veil watch. She did a great job!
After the wedding, we took pictures for a couple of hours. We were STARVING by this point, so we stopped at Arctic Circle with my parents for a late lunch. This turned out to be not a great move, because then we weren't hungry for dinner- and the dinner was amazingly good! We had a "formal" dinner as our reception at this historic building, The Lion House, in downtown Salt Lake. Everything was catered, and absolutely DELICIOUS!!! But, unfortunately, everybody got totally stuffed and couldn't eat the cake. So, we had tons of cake leftover. I still don't know what happened to it...
The best part, of course, was being able to share our special day with so many wonderful friends and family. That was the BEST- it was like a huge party just for us, and we loved it!
After such a wonderful day, it was time to say "good-bye." Ben won't let me tell you the really funny story about how he locked us out of our hotel room and he had to run down and get another key, but I will just say- it's a really funny story!!!!
Really, though, I can honestly say that was the best day of my life- and I am grateful every day that I get to spend forever with this hunk of a man! Am I lucky or what?
You may ask, "how are you going to celebrate your anniversary tonight?" Well, it is quite exciting- I have a church meeting, but I will think about him while I am there. Then when I come home, we will watch The Office because that is our favorite show. (We are going to celebrate tomorrow night instead- I'll fill you all in later with our crazy getaway adventure- WITHOUT Audra!! Yippee!!!)
Great pictures, fun to see how we all looked four years ago and how much your family and our extended families have changed. I think 4 years has clouded your memory though, because I definitely remember seeing you a little stressed on the big day! But that is what is great about time, and big events, it is the positive, great stuff that matters and what we remember most. Here's to many more years of joy and happiness together.
ReplyDeleteThese are great pictures - I'm not sure I've seen them before. Your cake is so pretty! Have fun on your anniversary - just a warning, the last time Matt and I "got away without kids" we got pregnant with twins. Oh wait - little late for that, so I guess you don't have to worry about that! Oh, and I think watching the Office is a terrific way to spend an anniversary! :)
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love all of the pictures!!!!! I'm so glad you found the one who makes you so happy; I can't imagine anything better! Well, maybe getting to have children with the man you love, but you have that too! Have a great anniversary! :)
ReplyDeleteHey - that's Jason in the background of one of the pictures of you two. How funny.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your getaway. We'll have to attempt that someday...
You didn't even put before and after pictures of dad shaving on there; I think that was the MIRACLE of the day! That was a wonderful day and I'm glad you're even happier now that you chose Ben. You are right, he is the perfect man for you. Happy Anniversary.
ReplyDeleteLove the pictures! It looks like it was a lovely day for the two of you. Have fun on your getaway!
ReplyDeleteThanks - I'm definitely going to try the vitamin B6 - going to get some TODAY! I don't think I need the unisom, I'm sleeping fine despite the nausea. Ugg...to answer your question about colic vs. morning sickness, I don't know the answer either. I'm sure both suck, but I only know the morning sickness part. It is so cool that you and your sisters seem to magically time the birth of your children. It will be nice for them to always have a cousin the exact same age.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on 4 years. Yes, the dinner was YUMMY! I was able to enjoy it because I didn't fill up on Arctic Circle before hand! I also enjoyed the cake, because wedding cake is one of my favorites!!! So, you can't blame me for any leftovers :)