She is wearing tights that are size 0-9 months, so they are obviously too small, and the sweater she had been wearing throughout the day- luckily nothing got on that or we would have really been in trouble! I thought it was so incredibly cute and funny I had to share! I guess we need to have an emergency pair of clothes in her diaper bag just in case...
Then, this video shows Audra's ritual EVERY TIME we say, "it's time for scripture study." For probably about the last month, she has followed the exact same routine. We say that magical phrase, and she then proceeds to push her horsie from the middle of her bedroom right next to daddy, then sit on the OTHER side of the horse- as far away from daddy as possible- and then she decides to go and sit on his lap so she can see the pictures. It is so cute- and she has made it into such a routine, that we know that is just how scripture study has to begin!
She's just jumping too fast to get a good picture! Actually, she much preferred just watching all of the other children, but it was cute.
She also did the fishing game and got some bubbles:
There was a cupcake walk that we let her do, and she won a chocolate cupcake for daddy (for those of you that know me, you know we weren't going to let Audra eat the chocolate cupcake- I know, we are such mean parents!).
Talk With the Young Women: That went well- I focused on how when we follow the Lord and try to determine His will for each of us individually, you will find happiness- even when you are puked and pooped on!
My Valentine!!!
Bye, Bye Beloved Binky!