Operation Get Rid of Binky: The first two days were difficult- she would see the binky in the crib, and cry for it. We just kept saying, "you're a big girl now, and big girls only need the binky when they sleep," and we continued to stay strong! Now, almost 2 weeks later, she is weaning herself off of the binky even at night. If she sees her binky outside of the crib (happened once- dad was in charge of her then, I don't know what happened- that story may never be revealed), she then goes and throws it into her crib. She is doing surprisingly well without it- I don't know if it really was just the binky, but she has decided to start talking more and we have seen some great improvements!
Hoping Ben Does Well at Work: Remember I told you about that project the guys have been working off and on for years and they decided to give Ben a shot at it? I predicted he would have it solved in a week. I was wrong- it only took him FOUR DAYS!!! I told you my hot hubby was also brilliant- did I get a great catch or what? The lead architect was apparently a little upset Ben was able to get it done so quick, but his main boss told him at his performance review on Friday, " You've proven you can do whatever we want you to, so we don't know where to put you yet so we get the biggest bang for our buck!"
Cancer Fair: That was today and it was unbelievable! Hundreds of people were there, and they had a great silent auction (I bid on a movie/date night basket and a training session with a coupon mom queen to learn how to save tons of money on groceries- we'll see if I win!). They had tons of food and games- even a Rock Band and Dance Dance Revolution contest area! I am sure they raised thousands of dollars when all is said and done, and I am just totally impressed with how everything came together. (Jenny, I would be more then happy to tell you how it all worked to see if you want to incorporate some of the ideas into the spaghetti dinner or something).
They also had a jump around for the kids, where we got this horrible but kind-of funny picture of Audra jumping:

She's just jumping too fast to get a good picture! Actually, she much preferred just watching all of the other children, but it was cute.
She also did the fishing game and got some bubbles:
There was a cupcake walk that we let her do, and she won a chocolate cupcake for daddy (for those of you that know me, you know we weren't going to let Audra eat the chocolate cupcake- I know, we are such mean parents!).
Talk With the Young Women: That went well- I focused on how when we follow the Lord and try to determine His will for each of us individually, you will find happiness- even when you are puked and pooped on!
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