I know she is only 6 days old, but I just gotta say: Claire ROCKS!!! She is the best baby (knock on wood). She eats incredibly well and is always content. Last night, she woke up ONCE to nurse. ONCE! Granted, that could totally change tonight, but it doesn't matter- the fact that she had such a wonderful night is indescribable. We NEVER got that lucky with Audra- she was still waking up 6 times a night to nurse at 9 months old. This gives me hope. This gives me hope that perhaps Claire will be the greatest newborn of all time and I won't be having nervous breakdowns every other day and/or considering shipping her off to China on a regular basis. As opposed to last time, this newborn experience has been (thus far) dare I say...Pleasant? Enjoyable? Miraculous?
Claire rarely cries- and when she does it is the easiest thing in the world to get her to calm down- just stick your finger in her mouth. That's it. We don't even have to use the techniques in "The Happiest Baby on the Block" because she never gets riled up. It's amazing. She'll sit in her bouncy chair while we eat and just watch us. No crying, screaming, or torturing us. Today I put her in the swing while I showered. Did she cry uncontrollably the entire time like a certain other newborn? NO!
And, when Audra gave her a kiss yesterday, she smiled! I don't care if it was a gas smile, it was a smile nevertheless- and Audra got Claire's first smile.
So, to all of you parents who have done nothing but brag about how wonderful your babies are, I say this: ha ha ha- I now join you:)
****Disclaimer: I know this can all change in an instant. She does have a lot of gas bubbles that I am worried about, but so far they don't seem to bother her. We will have to monitor this closely so our perfect angel does not turn into a screaming monster. But, though colic may appear at a later time, I will continue to treasure this precious time when she is still our perfect and delightful Clair-bear (I know, we tried to not use that nickname, but it was just too cute).
Good! I hope it continues; then you may want to have more!
ReplyDeleteAnd, I think everyone does that nickname thing, even if they swear they won't. We called Katie Katie-Bear and Aubrey Aubrey-Froggie from the get go. And, they have seemed to take on those animals characteristics. So, congratulations on your cute, cuddly, warm, happy baby.
I pray that things stay the same. Alex was my "Angel Baby" for the first week he was home....well, we all know what happened after that :)
ReplyDeleteGood! This is the way it should be. People always think I'm nuts when I say I love the newborn phase, but I do. :) I am hoping for good things for me (again) as well.
ReplyDeleteOh I'm so glad that she's so good for you! I know the feeling, Olivia has been just as well behaved for me as Claire has been for you, but like you said, that could change any day. Here's to hoping that our newborns continue to be so good to us. :)
ReplyDeleteYay! You deserve it! I hope it lasts. I love the name Claire. She looks like such a sweetie.
ReplyDeleteHorray and such a reward for making it through the other certain newborn! :)
ReplyDeleteI'm glad to hear things are going well - I hope it continues.
ReplyDeleteWhen you were describing your daughter Audra is gave me flashbacks to the baby I used to take care of when I was working as a nanny. He refused to sleep for more than an hour at night for the first six months and wouldn't sleep for longer than 20 minutes during the day. And for some extra fun thrown in there he screamed EVERY minute that he was awake. I have no idea how I made it through those six months with my sanity still fully intact.
Congrats to you all!! Claire is beautiful and you are an adorable family. It is amazing how two kids can come from the same gene pool and be so drastically different. How fun it is. Seems like my kids were that age not long ago and you were babysitting them for me. Now I am at the other end with kids leaving home. Enjoy all the time you can with them. We are excited for you!!