(In the parking lot at Target)
Audra, with her hand up in the air: Stop, car! Don't hit me!
As we are about to go to the museum:
Me: Audra, we are going to the museum. You get to be like Curious George the Monkey at the museum!
Audra: I don't WANT to be a monkey! I want to be Audra!
Then, this isn't Audra, but I also love my husband- he cracks me up! Here is a conversation from last night:
B: Guess what I'm thinking.
Me: That you love me more then anything else in the world.
B: That's right. Guess what else I'm thinking? No, don't guess. I will just tell you.
I love that man!
Then, out of my mouth have come some things I never thought I would say:
Audra: I want orange.
Me: Eat your ice-cream and then you can have an orange.
Yeah, kids sure are funny. Keep writing those funny things that Audra, and eventually Claire say, they are fun to look back on!