-Crawling- she is all over the place! Well, mostly all over the place. It's really funny because she can't quite grasp the concept of crawling from one room to another. It's like there is an invisible line between rooms that she can't get over. Also, she won't ever crawl OVER anything. This is very good because there is a wire cover on the floor in our family room and on the other side are the stairs. She won't crawl over the wire cover, so as yet I don't have to worry TOO much about the stairs. But, I do believe gates are in our near future (which Audra is not happy about).
Here's a close-up:It's a necklace from a build-a-bear. Or, here:
Surprisingly, Claire does not seem to mind so much.
Then, yesterday my friend Kathy had Audra and some other friends over for a princess tea party. It was SO MUCH FUN- and she went all out, literally. You know how most people have a few talents and are really good at a few things? Well, Kathy is good at EVERYTHING- I literally don't think there is anything she can't do!
Anyway, we get to her house and she has a whole set up of dress-up clothes and a big mirror for the girls. She has an arts and crafts table for the girls to make Valentine's and decorate boxes to hold a gift for dad. She has a HUGE spread for eating, with the cutest decorated table ever! She made each of the girls their own apron- with their names on- for the girls to decorate cupcakes. I mean, literally, it was unbelievable! I told her I felt like I had been at the spa all day- it was all so luxurious! It was awesome. Here are some pics:
The best part of this was right before we left our house to go to the party. We got Audra in her pretty dress, and she looked me and said, "I'm a pretty princess!" Yes, Audra you are a pretty princess! I hope you always remember that! I love you soooooo much!!!
I told you I had a lot to write about!
Some other cute things that have been going on at our house:
Audra now LOVES to play hide-and-go-seek. Here she is "hiding":
The whole time she is screaming: "I am under the blanket! I am under the blanket!" Her hide-and-seek skills are not so great as of yet!
Last thing. The other day Audra came up to me and said, "Hi, mama- it's great to meet ya!"
Where on earth did she learn that???? So cute!
I love it - your kids are so adorable. It is cute seeing Audra so dressed up at that party, I try to go all out for birthdays, but that was amazing. PS I need to make some aprons for my kids, did your friend buy a pattern? I would love to have them for my three kitchen helpers. Have a wonderful Valentine's Day.
ReplyDeleteShanelle does that in her sheet on her bed. Sometimes she will fall asleep like that and it makes me nervous but she just started loving the game of hide and seek!
ReplyDeleteI love that Audra yells out where she is hiding! I find that very funny!! :)
ReplyDeleteClaire crawling! AWESOME. The tea party makes me want to have a little girl and throw one myself. That is awesome!