Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Potty Training: Part Two

A couple of weeks ago, Audra started changing her own poopy diapers at naptime. This was not good as clothes became toilet paper. Once I accidentally left the wipes out, and she used EVERY SINGLE one to wipe herself. My fault, I should have known better. It was annoying, but an obvious sign: time to potty train.
On Monday, we gave it another go. After our horrible experience a few months ago I was not expecting it to go well and braced myself for the worst.
We started as soon as she woke up in the morning. By mid-morning, she was telling me when she needed to go and going by herself! I couldn't believe it! On Monday she had 3 very small accidents and 4 successes. Yesterday she had 1 small accident (simply because we weren't fast enough) and 7 successes. Today: Nothing but successes so far!
Granted, I put in her in a diaper for naps and at night and during naptime is when she has been going #2, but I am perfectly OK with that.
Thankfully, this has been a surprisingly easy process so far (knock on wood- I have yet to take her out in public). I am VERY grateful I waited until she really was ready instead of trying to force her before she was ready and having accident after accident. The best part is, SHE is super excited when she goes on the potty- it is HER success, not mine. There are no battles, no crying, just happiness all around!
I have been told having her potty trained will give me a whole new world of freedom. I hope so.


  1. It really is nice having a potty trained kid. and you are right it's totally all their own success. Cache still gets excited every time he goes and we praise him. He only had 2 accidents when he was learning and that's been it! He loves being a big boy and I love it too! We don't even buy the pull ups for Cache b/c he stays dry during naps and through the night. He does great out in public too, he always just tells us when he has to go! I was TOTALLY surprised that he was potty trained BEFORE 3. He was so late with everything else, but I'm glad he was ready when he was ready!! Do the potty dance for Audra! :)

  2. Congrats to Audra!
    I SO subscribe to the philosophy of waiting until THE CHILD is ready. I hate parenting when it is a total battle and I don't think it does any good for the child. Plus, because she was personally motivated, it saved you a whole lot of work. Way to go!

  3. Good times. I really wanted to get Josh potty trained before the new baby came (if for no other reason than not wanting to buy diapers for two kids at the same time), but it wasn't looking very possible. We have tried a few other times to sit him on the potty and see if he'll just go and decide he likes it. But still no dice. We resigned ourselves to the same fact that we simply need to wait until he is ready and interested in not wearing a diaper any more.

    I have always heard that it is more difficult with boys. Heck, he still doesn't even care whether or not he is wearing any clothes. He certainly doesn't care if he does his business in a diaper or in the toilet yet.

  4. Great job Audra! Once the child is ready, no matter the age, potty training is not bad. And, I've actually heard boys are completely easy - as long as they are ready. Way to not make it a chore!

    Also, I think #2 is less likely to have accidents because they can tell it is coming for quite some time. Katie always went poo during naptime and so we started having her sit on the potty and read her books before her naptime and that worked for her. So, personally I think her going #1 frequently in the potty is huge. Especially when they are playing they like to hold it all in so making it to the potty is great.

    Way to go Audra!

    And, Adam, it's a good thing you didn't potty train Josh before - they just digress after the baby is born so you have to start all over again. Katie was potty trained for 6 months before Aubrey was born and it took us 3 months to get her back into potty training.
