What is the Binkie Fairy you ask?
About two months ago I introduced the idea of a Binkie Fairy to Audra. I talked the Binkie Fairy up really well- that she would bring presents to Audra, and take her binkies because Audra was a big girl and doesn't need a binkie anymore.
For the past bit, Audra has said every night, "did the binkie fairy come? I don't think so. I don't see any presents." And then she will even say, "Why hasn't the binkie fairy come?" and such.
So, today I decided it was time. After bath time, Audra walked into this:
The Binkie Fairy wrote this letter:
Dear Audra,
Today is a special day. You are such a big girl now that you no longer need a binkie! I took it to give to a little baby named Makenna who needed a binkie, but I left you presents in return. You are such a BIG girl- even bigger than me!
The Binkie Fairy
It is fitting that the binkie went to Baby Makenna (who Audra was decided was a baby binkie fairy) because ALL of her dolls and bears are named Makenna, after her cousin. It's really funny.
She immediately put on the tutu she got:
She and Claire also enjoyed the headbands and socks she got. For some reason, a couple of weeks ago, Audra fixed on the notion that the BF had to bring her headbands. I am not sure where she got that, but she did. 

For 15 minutes Audra ran around as excited as you have ever seen anybody- so excited that she got a tutu. She told us all sorts of things about the Binkie Fairy that we never knew, and she was incredibly excited that she is now a big girl and doesn't need a binkie. It was cute. Actually, it was one of the cutest things in the world- I wish I had a video camera. Have you guys noticed how much she likes to dress up?
And, she went to bed nice and easy- no tears at all. She did insist on wearing her tutu to bed, which was fine. I am hoping she'll sleep through the night without waking up. She has been known to wake up in the middle of the night, and unable to find her binkie, to cry and cry. So, we'll see how tonight goes.
But overall, I think it went really well.