Saturday, March 5, 2011

Odds and Ends

Things have been pretty boring around here, but I think that's a good thing.
But, on Tuesday as I was going to a meeting and saying good-bye to everyone, this little munchkin said, "I love you" for the first time. She sure knows how to melt my heart!
 Claire is really big into drawing/coloring right now, but I thought this picture with Audra giving her a hug was pretty cute. Claire, of course, wouldn't look at the camera because she was too busy drawing.
We went to Pump it Up yesterday and had a great time. This is Audra's excited face. We will be going back!

Other notes:
My friend is holding an on-line auction for her daughter, Cici, who many of you keep tabs on. Part of the proceeds will also go to a project called "Ben's Bells." My friend is looking for items to use in her aution- homemade items, new baby clothes, gift cards, etc.- really anything that can be shipped in the mail. If you are willing to donate anything, send me an e-mail and I will get you her info.

And, lastly:
BYU has been in the news a lot lately because of it's honor code and a star basketball player who violated the honor code and was kicked off the team (and maybe the school?) right before the NCAA tournament- where it is likely BYU will be a #1 or #2 seed.

As an alumni of BYU, I wanted to give a huge shout out to BYU. I think it is awesome that in a world of failing values and moral decline, there is a place where people are expected to keep their word and honor their committments. Though you do not have to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints to attend BYU, you do have to sign the honor code and agree to live by it's terms to attend.

I love that it wasn't even a question as to whether or not to keep this player on the team. He broke the code, the punsihment of which is that you cannot be on the team. Period.

Though I am certain I complained of the rules while I was there (because some of them really are strict), I am proud to be an alumni of BYU and I completely agree with their decision!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the shout out! Your girls are certainly growing up!
