Have any of you ever heard of Ben's Bells?
Chances are, you have not. I hadn't either until my friend Jenny became involved. Now I understand what an awesome program this is!!!
It started when a woman, Jeanette Mare, lost her son Ben when he was 3. This happened 9 years ago, and Jeanette said she felt dead and numb inside. Of course, on the outside she looked fine- nobody knew the horror she was enduring inside. She said every smile, every tiny act of kindness, became huge for her to help relieve some of her suffering. She learned how much small acts of kindness truly can make a difference.
Out of this, she came up with the idea of Ben's Bells. She began making bells and distributing them throughout the Tucson area- hanging them on trees or in parking lots or wherever, with notes on them that spoke of kindness. The idea spread, and is now a huge project with full-time employees.
Jenny learned about this and decided to sponsor a Ben's Bell Distribution here in Denver. She raised the funds, and on Saturday we got to participate in distributing bells.
This is where I have to apologize to Jenny. I did not understand what an unbelievable and magnificent undertaking this was, nor all that Jenny had to do to accomplish this task. If I had, I would have been much more diligent in advertising and getting as many people as I could get to also attend. I am truly sorry I did not do that this first time around. Now I understand, and the next time there is a distribution, I will be much more diligent. This was such a fantastic event and service project, I can't even describe it in words. You are a rock star, Jenny!!!!
It was incredibly cold as we met at Red Rocks. Audra asked what we were doing and I said we were going to Red Rocks and on the drive over she said, "I don't know what Red Rocks is- I hope I can get through the door." It's a huge outdoor amphitheater- no doors to worry about!
Jeanette Mare, the founder of Ben's Bells, was actually there- what a huge surprise that was! Despite the cold, the spirits were high. We were each given 20 bells and a map of a general area to go and hang up bells- it was as simple as that.
I think Jenny will admit that the pictures don't do the bells justice. They are stunning in real life- absolutely stunning. I had seen the pictures before, but when I saw the bells I was awe-struck. They are just gorgeous.
Jenny has better pictures on her blog HERE. The card says "You have found a Ben's Bell. Take it home, hang it in your yard, and remember to spread kindness throughout our world."
Then, today stories started coming in on the Ben's Bells website about people who had found bells in the area. Maybe some of these stories are from bells that we hung! The stories are HERE. We hung a bell on a bush at a grocery store- maybe that was ours!
Thank you Jenny for the wonderful opportunity to spread a little happiness with my family!!! It was an amazing day for an amazing cause!!!
I am SO glad that you enjoyed it - I just knew, if we brought it here, people would GET it, and want to be a part of it. So simple. SO needed. You almost have to experience it to understand the full impact - and I'm so glad you all were there! Now, the local stuff begins! :) It will take time, don't worry - luckily, this project has no timeframes.