Friday, April 18, 2008

11 Months Old

Audra turned 11 months old today! We are excited because she gained a pound last month- she is now 17.4 pounds! Yippee!!! For those of you unaware, weight gain has been a problem, so we are glad that she is gaining at least some weight!
We took her swimming for the first time today- she had a pretty good time. We were afraid she would yell and scream the entire time, but she did not- she splashed, played "chase" with daddy, and climbed in and out of the pool. It was a lot of fun!


  1. Very cute. My kids both love the water, as long as you don't try to put their face/head under the water.

  2. We are taking Olivia to the pool next week for Katie's birthday party. She loves the bath and loves to have her head in the water but this will be her first experience in the pool. Cute pictures.

  3. Cute new background. I love it. How fun to all go swimming together.

  4. Ben kept accidentally putting her head in the water, and she didn't seem to mind too much! We will definitely be going back to the pool soon- she was so cute!
    I wanted to try a new background- Ben likes the old one better, but I thought this one was a little more original. I got it from and they have a ton of backgrounds that are mostly free!

  5. I get my backgrounds from and like hers a lot; and they are all free. However, there is not a huge selection. I need to just take some time and customize one myself, but I don't have much extra time. Audra is a cutie, and isn't it so much fun playing in the pool with little kids? You should sign her up for mommy and me swimming lessons, we loved doing that with Katie and they are really inexpensive.

  6. Hey Christina, I found your blog through Danielle and wanted to say hi (it's heather kaler by the way). Audra is super cute, maybe I'll get to meet her someday:) Hope all is well!
