Monday, September 27, 2010





I couldn't wait to see it for myself: My dad healthy, happy, and unofficially cancer free!!! (They won't officially say he is cancer free for another 5 years, but the cancer did not spread at all, and the surgery to remove the tumor was successful, so I am calling him cancer free because it sounds OH SO GOOD!)

There were a couple of things that I wanted to say about this horrible chapter in our lives- a chapter that will never truly be over for my dad because in order to remove the tumor they did a rather horrible surgery that is a life changing surgery, but better than the alternatives.

Anyway, both of these things happened after we found out my dad had cancer, but before we knew how treatable it was.

The night my mom called me to tell me my dad had cancer, I was obviously devastated. But, I had a meeting to go to so I couldn't wallow. I went to the meeting and then came home and called my dad to see how he was doing. The FIRST thing he said to me- the day he found out he had cancer- was "how is your mom holding up?" She is the one who had called everyone and told everyone and he wanted to know how SHE was doing, even though he was the one with cancer. When I say my parents have the greatest love story, it is simply because it is true. I hope Ben and I can be as in love as these two are in 40 years and love each other so completely and unconditionally! What an example and legacy they have given their kids of true love!!!

The second thing is regarding the love our Heavenly Father has for each of us. This is my testimony here, so listen up:)

Before we found out what stage of cancer he was in, I needed to go and clear my head and I desparately needed to feel the Spirit of God in my heart. I made arrangements to attend the Temple- a place of worship and peace. I prayed harder than I had in a long time that the Lord would bless my father and help my mom be strong for the trial of cancer. I pleaded for my dad that he would be alright and that my children would have their Grandpa High to know and love and be a part of their lives.

I was overwhelmed with a feeling of peace- a feeling that whatever the outcome of this cancer would be, the Lord was watching over my parents and over my family and He was with us in this trial. Whatever happened, whatever the outcome was to be, I knew it was OK. Even if that meant he would die- I knew the Lord was in this. God is in the details of our lives- He cares about what happens, and He will lift us through any trial- even death. I felt that. In talking to my mom later, she said she had the same feelings of peace and assurance that the Lord was with them- with us.

Now, I am not going to lie. I am forever grateful that death was not the plan the Lord had for my dad. Our whole family has given fervent, tearful prayers of gratitude that my dad has had successful treatment. But if that was not the case, I know it still would have been OK. God is good. God is with us. Of that I am absolutely, 100% certain!


  1. I love that picture. And thanks for sharing your thoughts, I for one, liked reading them. I love you!

  2. I am so relieved for your family. Hugs!
