Friday, June 26, 2009

Already a Problem Child

I am teasing a little on the title, but I just came back from the doctor where I found out the baby is breach, so Ben and I are off to the hospital so they can try and switch her around (it has to be done at the hospital in case I go into labor during the procedure). I really don't want a C-section- though I know some people love them- so I hope this works! We'll keep you all posted!


  1. I hope it works too! I'm dreading my C-section, I hope you don't have to have one too.

  2. Oh my! I've heard those "versions" are painful, so I hope yours goes well and uneventfully. I hope you don't need a c-section too, but since I've been through both versions of birth, it will be ok in the end, no matter what! I have some specific advice/what to expect for you if you like - I typed it up for my SIL, I will email it to you! Just remember, the first week is HARD. But then it gets better! I stayed in the hospital as long as I could, and then came home to a 21 month old and newborn twins, so it IS possible to do it, and it is possible to nurse too! GL!

  3. Ah Chris! Let us all know how it goes!

  4. Best of luck. Since I haven't heard anything, I'll assume you didn't go into labor at the hospital.
