Top 10 Reasons My Dad Is the Best:
10. Worked 2, sometimes 3 jobs when we were little to support our family
9. Let us call him Ronald McDonald when we were little (his name is Ronald)
8. Almost never missed a soccer, basketball, volleyball, or whatever game
7. Yelled incessantly at the refs on our behalf during aforementioned games
6. Shaved off his mustache for my wedding (true, he decided I probably would never get married when he made that promise, but he still held up his side of the bargain!)
5. Acts like a little kid with the grandkids
4. Makes a delicious FRENCH TOAST (not pancake) breakfast
3. He decided to become active in the church again before my oldest sister was born because he wanted to be the best father he could be
2. He took all 5 of us kids camping without my mom (presumably to give my mom a weekend to herself) on a regular basis
1. He has loved and supported all of us kids through all of our wild, crazy ideas and decisions
Here's some photos of the greatest dad in the world:
And, finally, I know you are all surprised, but Ben has the audacity to argue with me and try to tell me that HIS father is the best in the world, so here is a photo of the two greatest dads in the world (notice the clean-shaven face of my dad- it was a once-in-a-lifetime look at my dad's upper lip!)
You know, I still think about that trip to Gettysburg all the time. I love that your dad bought that book and read it more than once I believe. I think of him when I see the same book on my bookshelf. And hey - I was looking pretty cute having a beer with your dad - back in the days when I actually had time to care about hair. :) Your dad IS an amazing guy (as is your mom) and I certainly have enjoyed my association with them both through these many years.