Last Thursday I took on a suicide mission.
I decided to drive to Logan, UT with Claire by myself. What was I thinking, you ask? Good question.
I was thinking I need to take advantage of the opportunitites I have to see old friends- especially ones who have had such an important and life-changing impact on my life. The opportunities are so rare, I know I need to take them when I can. So when my college roommates decided it was time for us to get together again, I decided to go- regardless of the cost.
And it was well worth it! There were 6 of us who lived together in college for 3 or 4 years, but established a bond that I am certain will last forever. It is harder with kids, but that's just the way life goes. And none of us would have it any other way.
Claire was actually incredibly good for the drive. It is about 9 hours with the stops we took to Logan. She cried for about 2 hours off and on, but nothing uncontrollable. I purposely left incredibly early (5 AM) in the hopes she would sleep for a little longer. It worked on the way to Logan.
Anyway, as usual- it was wonderful being with my old roommates. They are awesome! Plus, I got to meet their kids. They all have 1, all about age 2. I have 2 kids, with Claire being 1 (her Birthday was on Friday- what could be better than spending it on a roadtrip with strangers?). Claire was the youngest of the kiddo group.
Claire was pretty much petrified the entire time. She has Ben's personality- she is overly shy and overwhelmed and completely out of sorts around strangers. She has a hard time warming up to them. Whereas Audra would have been perfectly fine after 15 minutes, Claire was whiny and ill-at-ease the entire 3 days.
But, the trip was about me being able to see my old friends, and in that respect it was absolutely wonderful. Most of the activities revolved around activities for the kids and lots of catching up. It is so cool to see where all of us have come! Before we were just young kids trying to get through college- now we're mommies trying to get through life. I love these women- and I miss the ones who were unable to come!
We are trying to get together every 2 years. I am incredibly grateful for that, just wishing it could be even more often.
On Friday night we left the sleeping kiddos with the husbands and went and got "fu'zookies". They were delicious, and kept us gabbing until the very late hours. I was tired the next day, but it was worth it.
That's cool that you guys do that! Since coming home for college, I sort of feel like I missed out on that whole friend-thing. Ah well.
ReplyDelete...and I'm totally impressed you can use the bjorn with her at a year. I had to put mine away a couple months ago and now only use my other carrier with A on my back - but even that is rough on my back.
I'm glad you guys had fun! Wish I could have been there...hopefully next time!
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting the pictures! I'm so sad I wasn't able to come (especially for some of that yummy looking dessert!) but it was really fun talking to you all on the phone. I sure miss everyone. I didn't know you drove. Holy cow, you are brave!