Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Joining A Club

Yesterday, we found out that my Dad joined a club.


This is a prestigious club- the likes of which Lance Armstrong, Colin Powell, Ronald Raegan, Sheryl Crow, and Melissa Ethridge have joined.


Also on the list are names you may not know, but some of my friends also are in this club: Angie, Libby, Shauna and Heather. I am sure every one of you knows somebody who has joined this club.


This club requires bravery. This club only accepts the strongest of the strongest. Whimps need not apply, as you will not get along here amongst these heroes in our world.


Nobody wants to be in this club. Nobody asks to be in this club. But, famous or homely, young or old, boy or girl- anyone at anytime may be asked to join this club.


The club I am referring to is the cancer club.


Yesterday, we found out my Dad has colon cancer.




I HATE that word. It is disgusting, evil, filled with malice- coming to attack when one least expects it. Certainly it must be the most filthy word in the entire English language.


Being in this club, he will be surrounded with the most inspirational and beautiful people in the world. He will fit right in.


My dad is a fighter. I don't think he has ever been sick a day in his life...until now. And now he is in for the fight of his life.


I don't know about you, but I am ready to see him beat this horrible thing up and kick it to the curb!!!! I want him to crush this piece of crap into absolute rubble, then stomp on it, punch it in the face, and LAUGH at it.


I expect the cancer will be so incredibly scared of my dad it will run away in tears, never to return and attempt to take over his body again.


To be honest, I'm scared. We're all scared. But, I have known my dad for a long time and I have always known him to be the strongest, bravest, greatest man I have ever known. And I have a feeling, the best of him is yet to come.
Prayers for he and my mom are appreciated.


  1. Christina, I am so sorry to hear your news! You and your family will definitely be in my prayers.

  2. I can't help but cry when I read this. You Mom, Dad, and all of your family will be in my prayers. I know the pain of losing a parent early, and I hope and pray for your Dad's quick recovery. I hope that he beats the crap out of cancer too!
    Katie (Fey) Myers

  3. Christina I'm sorry to hear about your Dad. There's not a lot I could say to make it any better or take it away so I will just keep you and your family in my prayers.

  4. I was going to post about this, but haven't gotten around to it knowing that I'll be crying the whole time. I have to keep myself busy you know. Then you said Katie commented on a blog post and I had to see which one. Now I'm here crying at work. It's true, dad's a fighter. I love you and we'll get through this together - no matter what.

  5. Much love to you and your family, Christina! **HUGS**

  6. Wow, I am so sorry. I feel really sad for you and your family right now. I hope you guys are doing well and hanging in there. Especially your dad.

  7. I know we chatted on the phone last night, but I just wanted to reiterate how much I love your dad. He is one of the best men I know. Your family has always been so kind to me through the years. I am getting all teary as I type this. I am definitely praying for him and your mom and the rest of your family that he will beat this. Hugs to all of you!

  8. Christina, I am so sorry to hear about this! My mom had breast cancer when I was 16, and then again when I was 19. It is so hard to watch our loved ones go through something so terrible. But it can be beat! Stay strong and know that your dad and family are in my prayers!

  9. I am so sorry. This is going to be hard Christina. I lost my dad a year ago from cancer. I pray that he can find a remission soon.

  10. As always, a well written post. I wish I could have read it without tearing up. I love dad, and together we will support him, mom, and each other no matter where we live. We'll keep you informed, and we all plan to pray and fast often for our father whom we love so much.
