Friday, September 10, 2010

Busy Week

Lately I have realized that my vision of what I WISH I was doing and what was actually happening are two completely different things. Here are some examples:

My vision of the wife/mother I want to be #1:

A beautiful home-made warm breakfast made every morning.
My reality:

Cold cereal for all.
My vision of the wife/mother I want to be #2:

Perfect body and in perfect shape.
My reality:

My vision of the wife/mother I want to be #3:

Perfect, thoroughly uplifting scripture study on a daily basis.
My reality:
My vision of the wife/mother I want to be #4
Beaufiful home storage/home production techniques.

But this last week I have finally begun to conquer some of these challenges. In this past week I have:

1. Made pancakes for breakfast ON A WORK DAY for the first time in our entired married life.
2. Started jogging again. Granted, it is for less than a mile and only takes me about 8 minutes- but it is a start.
3. Bought a book that clearly explains Isaiah and am delving into the scriptures and learning more than I have in a long time
4. Made homemade grape juice from Concord Grapes from a grape tree in Ben's parents yard, made homemade chokecherry syrup from chokecherries in our backyard, and planted 2 apple and 1 cherry tree in our backyard (OK, in reality Ben's dad was incredibly generous and did 100% of the work in the actual planting of the trees).
Maybe next I'll start cleaning...


  1. I got a good laugh out of this because I feel the exact same way! Although I would add a house that is fully unpacked, clean and decorated! Way to go on conquering your goals. I'm impressed. Maybe you will inspire me! I think Bryce would faint if I made him breakfast before work. :)

  2. Haha! I hear ya. I did yoga ONCE and messed up my neck so bad I had to take a whole week off just to feel semi-normal again. Now I'm afraid to pick it up again. Hmm...

  3. I love this post. It's exactly how I feel, maybe someday I'll be the "perfect" wife and mother, but until then, I think my kids and hubby are pretty lucky to have what they have regardless of my imperfections. Same goes for you too. :)

  4. Ben sure looks a lot different in the cereal shot - just kidding. But I did do a double take when I first read actual and saw a picture that wasn't you guys. Then I caught on. See how smart I am?

  5. Yea Christina! I pulled weeds today and I am trying to run too. Yea for us! Little by little.

  6. I had some fun with this post! Ben was like, "who's that guy eating the cereal?" All the pictures were from the internet- Shells, I hope you didn't think I really was a potato:)

  7. Good for you! I've accepted the chaos, and hopefully Matt is ok with it.
