Friday, September 26, 2008

My Short-Lived Hobby

For the past couple of days I have been filling my time with something other than politics: crafts. I made an activity book for Aud to have at church- hopefully it will keep her entertained for at least 10 minutes each Sunday!

Obviously, I am not a very good seamstress- I was less concerned with the sewing then I was with using things in the house I already had- old zippers, buttons, etc. If was fun to try and come up with different ideas of what to put in the book. The empty felt page on the top has things to add in the picture in the pocket next to it- clouds, trees, etc. Some of this is probably a little too old for her right now, but hopefully she will enjoy for years to come! (ok, that is probably very unrealistic...)


  1. I totally started one of these about 2 or 3 months ago, and got overwhelmed and never finished. Way to go. :) You are my hero.

  2. that's why I couldn't care too much about the details- the stitches are ragged, but at least they are there!!!

  3. Alright - you have inspired me, and I have been working away on mine...

  4. I love it! It is such a creative thing to do. How long did it take you to do and where did you get that idea?
