Saturday, November 1, 2008

And the Grand Total Is...

We had 30 trick-or-treaters last night. 23 kids and 7 adults- yes, 7 adults. Now, is it just me, or does that seem wrong? Granted, we had plenty of candy- not knowing what to expect in a kid-filled neighborhood, we bought 4 bags of candy, so we have plenty leftover. It just seems to me that Halloween is a KID holiday. I enjoy buying candy for little children, NOT adults (and one of them I think was almost 40)! But, as one person wrote to Dear Whoever in the Denver Post and asked what to do about adult trick-or-treaters, Dear Whoever responded you can do one of two things: 1. Grin and bear it and hand out the candy, or 2. Turn off all your lights and pretend you are not home. We chose to grin and bear it!
Nevertheless, it was a fun night- Audra LOVED having people ring our doorbell, and each time she wanted to leave with them- it was very cute!

P.S. If you are one of those adult trick-or-treaters, I do not mean to offend- I hope you had a wonderful time!


  1. Adult trick-or-treaters! Wow. We had a slower year, but still probably had a hundred or more. They all say "Hi, Mrs. Authier!"

  2. I had no idea that adults trick-or-treated by themselves. I've never seen one out alone without kids. Sure I love to get dressed up on Halloween but to actually go out and get candy from people without kids is pretty odd.

  3. They did have kids- but what happened is these whole families came up- one or two kids, mom, dad, grandma- whoever! It was really funny, I am glad I am not the only one who thinks so!

  4. I stick by my own trick-or-treat statute of limitations that I imposed on myself at age 12:

    No one older than 12 years of age, or after graduation from elementary school, whichever comes FIRST shall go trick-or-treating. And if they do, they shall be thoroughly ridiculed and made to feel ashamed of their inappropriate candy-begging.
