Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Audra's Take #3

Audra gives me such great material to work with on these posts!
Audra likes to sit at the piano and make up her own songs. It is incredibly cute...usually. Here are the songs she came up with the other day (remember, this is sung in a beautiful melody she composed and accompanied by her wonderful piano skills):
I don't need Jesus.
A few minutes later:
I don't need mommy.
A few minutes later:
I don't need Nephi.
(He is a prophet in The Book of Mormon).
I wasn't sure whether to reward her creativity, spank her for her obvious pride, or lecture her for her lack of understanding. In the end, I decided she was three and let her be. But I will be watching her!


  1. uh oh! you might have a little "jenny" on your hands! ha ha! so cute though!
