Here's a quick Claire update. Of course, she is as cute as can be- that's obvious, right?
She is now running everywhere- no longer walking. Actually, walking only lasted about 2 days before she decided that was too slow. Both my girls are early runners, late talkers- Claire still only just babbles, hardly ever any words. But, every time she babbles Audra likes to run over to me and say, "Claire just said Audra!"
Audra has come up with a nickname for Claire: Little Guppy. I have no idea where she got this from, though I am guessing the Little Mermaid tv show. Where else would there be a little guppy? At any rate, we have encouraged this terminology because we love that Audra came up with it herself, and it is pretty cute. Even if Claire isn't really a fish.
Most days, Claire is only taking 1 nap. That is a bummer because it makes showering more difficult, BUT it is making her sleep in until about 7:30 instead of 6:15, so that is a wonderful trade off! Even if I smell bad sometimes.
She LOVES being outside and downstairs in the basement- where all of the toys are. She also loves wrestling with Audra. This is really cute. Basically it is just Claire sitting on top of Audra's head. They both think it is hilarious and laugh and laugh.
Claire also loves to climb. This has led to her having many headaches, I am sure, because she falls. A lot. Outside of forcing her to wear a helmet all the time, I am not sure what to do. One place she loves and she can climb and fall all she wants is Jumpstreet- an indoor playground with trampolines and bouncy houses. We went there on Saturday because I have what I am calling "Park Fatigue." (Seattleites, don't hate me when I tell you this). Ben wanted to go to the park on Saturday. I wanted to vomit when he said that. I am so sick of putting on sunscreen and sitting out in the hot sun! I needed a break!!! This was not great news for Ben, who sits in his office all day everyday, but he understood and was happy to go to Jumpstreet. It was a fantastic decision- Claire was absolutely GLOWING the entire time because we let her do everything she wanted! It was a perfect Claire paradise. And Audra had a great time as well.
Oh, I know you will all be surprised at this next part. Guess what her new favorite food is? FISHY crackers! I think that is a mandatory favorite for little ones!
I can sort of understand the park fatigue - although not the complaining about the sun part. I just hate how much work it is to go out the door during the summertime. I took the kids to a water park the other day and I ended up lugging around this GIANT bag full of stuff. We never used any of it! I have purposely avoided the beach this summer due to the need for extreme preparation. I just keep telling myself that next summer will be so much better when both kids can walk and listen to directions. :)