Monday, August 2, 2010

Random Acts of Not-So-Kindness

On my long drive to Utah, I listened to a book on tape. The book was titled, "The Actor and the Housewife." It is about a Mormon housewife who becomes best friends with a famous actor. It was OK, though certainly not on my top 10 list.
But, an analysis of the book is not what this post is about.
Instead it is about one small side story . In the book, the main character makes 2 pies a week to give to people from church or in her neighborhood who might need some cheering up for whatever reason. I thought that was a pretty cool idea, and pondered if I should start doing something like that. I eventually decided there are hundreds of different ways to serve, and it was OK that my way of serving was not the pie-baking kind.
But yesterday I found out a friend was going to have a hard week due to some medical treatments she is receiving. I thought, "hey- I can bake her something to let her know I am thinking of her!" Plus, I had a coupon I was dropping off at one of my best friends homes' and thought it would be fun to give her some as well.
I grew up baking quite a bit (Christmas treats in particular!) and am relatively confident in my baking abilities. That was my first mistake.
In my mind I envisioned making beautiful cinnamon rolls:

I don't know why, but I decided it had to be cinnamon rolls.



Unfortunately, my beautiful rolls turned out more like this:



Burnt, and well, not too super tasty (for the record, this is not my actual roll, and they weren't THAT burned). Rather than throw them out, I decided to turn lemons into lemonade. I wrote a note to my friend with health problems and told her I hoped my horrible baking skills would at least bring a smile to her face, and to Arienne- I will just apologize for making you suffer!


In the future, I think I will stick to baby-sitting instead of baking!


  1. I hated that book. I just found it depressing and way too unbelievable (didn't you read my review on Strictly Letters?). You should try Austenland by the same author if you liked her writing style. It was really good, especially if you like Pride and Prejudice.

    I digress, I think it is great you thought of doing something nice for someone else. I'm sure they cared more that you thought of them then the taste of the rolls. :)

  2. Mandy- I did read your review- that is what introduced me to the book. Even though I figured it would be cheesy and not that great, the library actually had it on disc so I got it for my road trip. I actually got 7 books on CD-6 too many to listen to, but I figured if I didn't like one I could just put another one in.

    Anyway, that's the one that at least seemed the most engaging (i.e., would keep me awake). I totally agree with you- super unbelievable. What husband would be OK with his wife talking for hours and flying out to see an incredibly handsome and rich and famous actor?

  3. That's pretty funny Christina! It brought a smile to my face so you really are doing a lot more good than you had originally planned to do.

  4. Hey! I've heard these cinnamon rolls are impossible to mess up - I haven't tested it though!
